Monday, September 19, 2011

If I have signed papers to buy a car, have not taken possession, and change my mind, am I liable for purchase?

If after signing paperwork to purchase a car, I change my mind, am I liable for the purchase price?
If I have signed papers to buy a car, have not taken possession, and change my mind, am I liable for purchase?
Most states have a 2 or 3 day grace period where you are allowed to change your mind and return the car. If you haven't even taken delivery of the car then you should be able to change your mind.
If I have signed papers to buy a car, have not taken possession, and change my mind, am I liable for purchase?
There is absolutely no %26quot;2 or 3 day grace period%26quot; in ANY state, when it comes to car sales.

Whether you can back out depends on what you signed.
Legally, yes.

However, most of the time, you will simply lose your deposit and that will be the end of it.

Unless the loan has been funded, then the dealer gets his money and couldn't care less if you ruin your credit or pickup the car.