Friday, September 23, 2011

Do I need to change my car alternator?

I have a 96 Ford Bronco 5.8 liter V8. Everytime I lower my windows it sounds like my car is going to die. should i change it?
Do I need to change my car alternator?
If you want to waste your money then change your alternator. Your alternator has nothing to do with this. My first guess is your window motor is getting old and putting a lot of pull on the battery causing the alternator to work harder, putting more pull on the engine.
Do I need to change my car alternator?
I would suggest taking your bronco to a car parts store such as advance auto parts they will test your system for you usually at no charge. It could be that your battery is going bad not your alternator. If your alternator is bad the battery will usually go down and it won't crank over.

Hope this helps.
first i would pull the door panels off and try greasing the window regulator and track and work the window up and down. if that helps great if not probably has a motor that is drawing too much. the fix is change the window motor.
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