Friday, June 3, 2011

How to change car registration number in Malaysia?

I just bought a new car and register it yesterday through my car agent.However, i really cant accept my car registration number, that%26#039;s really the worst number for me. So, is it possible to change the car registration number? What i know now is i cannot change my number directly, have to buy a new motorbike or car then interchange the number. Are there any other way beside this? How long ot would take to process and how much the process fee? TQ a lot 4 ur help.|||Too late to change because JPJ had already registered your new car number. You should have forked out an additional Rm300 for the numbers that you preferred before registration process done.

If you are filthy rich then approached the car dealers to get it done for you for a sum of money Rmxxxx if you don%26#039;t mind forking out. Car dealers are expert in this field to get auspicious numbers.

If you are willing to pay more, the process will be done quickly. Do you really want to waste your sweat money?????