Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is it best to buy or lease a car, if you like to change cars every 3 years or so?

I find that I get tired of driving the same car and like to drive a new car every 2-3 years. With the new smart lease buy plans out, I would think that leasing would be a better option.
Is it best to buy or lease a car, if you like to change cars every 3 years or so?
Leasing is a very good idea for someone who plans on getting bored after 3 years, this will eliminate the dreaded negative equity situation that plagues many buyers.

Not only does it provide you the opportunity to have something different, but it also makes sure you are always under warranty, has the newest and best safety features, better gas mileage (typically), and the newest and coolest gadgets.
Is it best to buy or lease a car, if you like to change cars every 3 years or so?
Don't buy a new car. Your value will just go down hill and you'll be paying up the butt. Buy a used car instead. Let the morons waste their money on a new car. Then you can sell it after you've gotten your use out of it.

P.S. If you can sell it yourself then you'll get more money for it then a trade in.
As long as you can stay within your allowed lease mileage, it seems like leasing would be a better option for you. Your payments are generally lower with a lease, and you don't have to deal with negative equity from your trade when it's time to get a new car.
If you are wealthy, go ahead and change your car every 3 years. But frankly, cars are overhyped and most ppl won't even give you a second look regardless of your car. Even if they do, big deal. The best strategy is to buy a new car if you can afford it and take very good care of it and try to drive it 7-10 years. IMHO, a reasonably well built car should provide at least 5 years and preferably 7-8 years of good service (at least). If you want to change cars frequently but are cost conscious, let me propose something that requires some thinking outside the box. Buy a slightly used car (1-2 years old)-- you will save money from the depreciation, the car will still be stylish and hopefully will still be in good mechnical condition. You can sell it when you get tired of it in 3 or so years.
well let me say that depend on you so if you are wealthy i say go head and buy a new car when ever you feel like but if you know that I'll suggest you finish paying for your car first because if you take it back for a trade in it will cost you less so pay off the car fast and sell it yourself that way you can get the money back for your car and it also depend on how you took care of your care and how many mileage you put on it. so if i were you I'll buy a dream car and keep and pay it off and second since you like to drive a new car every 2/3 year i suggest you go and rent a car and drive it for 2 to 6 month and you'll only pay up to 400 for a monthly so choose your car wisely and like i said if you have a lot of money laying around than go head with your plan but if you don't want to waste money than just rent a car is better that way so you don't have to get stuck on yearly contract.