Ok, I live in Missouri along with my mom, my dad is thinking about taking a job in florida, not sure for how long but is going to leave my mom here because my brothers are in school. Will he have to change his license plates on his car along with his driver's license?
Do I have to change plates on car if legal address is in another state?
If he is not going to claim residency in Florida then he is still a legal resident of Missouri. He would merely be working in Florida, and therefore does not need to change his plates or his drivers license. Many construction workers for example work in other states than where they live and they don't change the plates on their vehicles. Many jobs nowadays require one to relocate for a given amount of time to work, but they are not necessarily moving their permanent residency.
Do I have to change plates on car if legal address is in another state?
well if he takes up residence there even if temporarily he'll still have to notify the DMV and they'll tell him whether or not he'll need to change plates or anything. it differs state to state
you iwill have to check with florida motor vehicle, some states allow up to a certain time period of living in a different state, but usually it is your residence that determines wether you have to change your plates and the length of stay, etc.
Check with Florida DMV, but my experience has been that when one is working in another state, but maintaining a home in the legal state of residence, the tag does NOT have to be changed. (Same thing with out-of-state college students, who can matriculate anywhere and keep the car tags of their home state on their cars, even while living 9 months of the year at college.)
What your dad also needs to be aware of is that he will have to pay state taxes in Missouri even when they are not being withheld from his Florida paycheck...he can have them exempted from being paid into Florida (assuming they have a state income tax) and make quarterly payments to Missouri...take advice from someone who learned this the hard way!