IF it is my oil when i get it changed in the morning would that fix it or just help it?
Would a lack of an oil change make your car start to stall when it slows down?
Lack of oil shoud not directly effect your vehicle to stall but indiectly, it can do lot of serious harm to your car and may be possible to cause such problems.
Driving your car with low/no oil cause serious harm to your engine. It cause it to run at very high temp and wears your engine out hard.
Your problem sounds more like an electical problem. Poor timing. Get some oil and change your oil filter right away. You may need a tune up as well. My best suggestion is; buy some cheap motor oil as well as a good brand. Drain out your old oil then put the cheap stuff in. Run your motor for 5-10min, then drain it out. Change your filter and put the good stuff in. This will help to clean out crap in your engine.
As I said, running your car with no oil can increase heat and it can damage electical components (causing the bearings on these parts losing its turning effectitness like the starter)
Your alternator should be O.K because if its broken, your battery will be drain in no time. Best way to check; losen your nagative terminal (just enough for you to take off easily) start your car then take the cable off. If your car is still running, it is good.
Best of luck!! Hope this helps!
Now go get some oil = ]
Check your water too!!!
Ohohoh..... one more thing, it is also possible your car's fuel system is screw up (bad fuel filter, fuel pump is screwed, bad fuel line) this can also make your car run run crap!!!
Would a lack of an oil change make your car start to stall when it slows down?
sorry,but a oil change wouldnt help that.sounds like its either the alternator or belt.also have auto zone check the computer for you.
it will help but it wont fix ur problem
It sounds like your alternator is not charging your battery, causing the symptom you describe. Replace it, and have your overdue oil change done at the same time. Lack of oil changes cause premature wear of your engine due to sludging, and lack of proper lubrication of engine parts.
I have to agree somewhat with the last answer. BUT some newer vehicles will not keep running even with a good alternator after you take the battery cable loose. If it starts back up then I would lean more towards needing a tune up, (spark plugs, wires, fuel/air filters,engine accessory belt, also distributor cap and rotor if this is an older vehicle) also depending on if it is a gasoline engine or diesel, very different ignition systems. It is also possible that the voltage regulator could be bad in the alternator and cause it to die at low idle and be able to restart. Most auto part stores will test your charging system for free so keep that in mind. It really doesnt sound like the old dirty oil causing the stalling, but really nasty oil can affect the performance, shouldnt cause it to stall though, usually if its that bad it wont start back up because the engine will be seized from lack of lubrication. If your still having problems give us more information on what type of vehicle you have or buzz me on messenger.