Does the type of car involved change the way a police chase is handled?
usually trucks and pickups are handle differently, p.i.t's can cause pick-ups and trucks to roll over instead of spinning around like smaller cars. so police are usually extra careful when chasing trucks. i'm only speaking for my city, but a Sergeant is the one that calls off the pursuit or allows units to pursue a car. if they they don't comply they get a CD %26quot;command discipline%26quot;.
Does the type of car involved change the way a police chase is handled?
When I ran a redlight in my Astin Martin, and subsequently topped 180 mph in a police chase, I recall hearing on the dispatch radio %26quot;Don't let Gomer drive, whutever yew dew.%26quot;
it can but what really affects the chase is the manor in which it is being driven. safety for the public is more important so doesnt matter if ur driving a sports car or a geo if it becames unsafe for the public the chase rules do change