Say you have a car but its right hand drive, can you make it into a left hand drive? How much would it cost and can anyone hook it up with websites where they do these kind of things.
Can you change a car from right hand drive to left hand, for a Supra?
WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD U WANT TO CHANGE IT!!!! rhd is the best i have my friend on the passanger seat with a fake steering wheel and mess with peoples minds like no other its awesome!
Can you change a car from right hand drive to left hand, for a Supra?
there are some conversion kits available for certain types of cars. not sure for supra tho. look into conversion kits. and unlike some ppl on here are saying but yes it is possible. the only difference is the dashboard and steering shaft and power steering rack, and some electrical but it can be done. also look into some local jdm car importers, they will definaly be able to help you out.
Technically, it is possible but probably not worth the price and effort. You'd need to redo the interior, swap the steering column, get everything reattached properly. If I were you, I'd just leave it as a right hand drive.
yea, but it will be SOOOO expensive!!! so much labour. you can do it, there are people who do that kinda stuff. but if you ask me, i'd rather sell it and get a left hand drive, or just stick with right hand drive.
it will cost more than the car is worth...if you don't like right hand drive, why did you buy it ???
it's not just the dash, but the WHOLE car would have to be redone..chassis, engine, tranny, inside the car...
just sell the car