I am planning to swap my car, but I have three months left with my current insurer.
What will happen to my no claims bonus? What will the insurer do? will they let me change car details with them, and adjust payments then let me carry on for the remaining three months?
I am hoping i do not need to start a new policy with them, as really need the no claims bonus to help with the cost!
Thanks in advance|||The only thing that%26#039;s going to affect your no claims bonus is by claiming on your insurance due to an accident.
Most insurance companies will let you swap your car but again, most will increase your insurance premium due to the fact that most people replace old cars with a newer model.
Check your paperwork but you will also most probably find that they will charge you an Administration Fee for changing the car details.
KD|||They%26#039;ll adjust your premium (up or down) for the rest of this year and it won%26#039;t affect your bonus. Make sure you tell them before you drive the new car.|||no claims bonus stays the same.. doesnt matter about changing car.. only effects ur premium|||Your existing policy will continue with the new car details. Your NCB will not be affected at all.
Any additional premiums are not normally added to the remaining monthly ones and as well as an admin fee on top they will ask for full payment of it up front when you call by credit or debit card.|||unless you are planning a complete lifestyle change you are ok/transfer the insurance from one to the other/never heard of the no claims bonus/why buy the damn stuff if you cant use it/what state is this in